Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Mope (36 weeks today)

I was exhausted yesterday after doing some errands in the morning. I got back home about 1:00 and went back to bed. Allan came home eventually and we had spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. I'm working hard to get back in to cooking (even just a little). Between not wanting to eat a night (heartburn) and just not being hungry at night - my cooking for dinner has suffered. Also, I eat so little, it seems not worth the time. My goal this week is to cook dinner at least two nights.

I managed to stay up till 11 (which is good) but was up again at about 3:30 and could not get back to sleep. I started reading the Night Circus which is great so far. I am excited to read more tonight (hopefully not in the middle of the night though). I did go back to bed eventually but when the alarm went off, I seriously did not think I could physically get out of bed. They say if you wake up in at the wrong point in your sleep cycle it is harder to get up. I have been up without alarms for months so this morning was BRUTAL!. I did manage to get up, shower, get Allan from work, and get us both to the OB office by 9:15. They write down when you get to the office on your sheet so the pressure is on to be on time!

The good news is that my weight is still good, I was up .2lbs this week (still under 20lbs for the pregnancy). The OB says that my cervix is closed but is thinning (about 50%). He said everything looks good and that I could go into labor at anytime. My next appointment was supposed to be next week - and we made it for Friday so it is more like two weeks away at this point. I hope to make it to that appointment! At this point I am just tired and achy most of the time - which is normal for this stage. I am excited to have another ultrasound next week to "check up" on the baby.

One of my favorite things to do during this pregnancy is to go to the Doughnut Vault after OB appointments and get two old fashioned buttermilk doughnuts and a cup of coffee. We made it to DV by 10:00 and they were sold out/closed for the day. I got teary and almost started to cry. Pathetic, I know. I just had been looking forward to getting DV for a week! I don't even like doughnuts, only those from DV. My ridiculous food based stress continued when I saw later that Allan went to Pinkberry for lunch. I LOVE Pinkberry and got all bummed out again! At that point, I went to Starbucks to get a mocha and scone for lunch - yes, my nutrition is beyond stellar! Maybe I was weepy because I was hungry....duh!

Good day at work, I think I am ready for the accountant tomorrow and am now sitting and watching the Sing Off. I may go crawl into bed with a bottle of water and the Night Circus. hmmmm maybe I'll write some more thank you notes first. SO CLOSE to being caught up with them! Also need to get out the sewing machine, work on some mending, hang curtains. hmmmm we will see what happens

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