Friday, July 23, 2010

guerilla workout!

So I managed to sneak in a guerrilla workout this afternoon between shopping and eating with Olivia (and Cal) and bachelorette party festivities with Laura and the girls.

I did damage at Nordstrom with five bras, one pair of running shorts, a pair of sunglasses to replace my favorite pair that broke and two pairs of shoes. One pair of shoes may be going back but I will make that decision later:)

The plan was to call at 4:30 to catch up with the girls who were at the Cubs game. At 3:20 the game was in the 7th. I rode my bike to the gym and got on the treadmill - and saw the game ending. Ran a mile, rode home. Ran go get River at Stay, ran home. Jumped in the shower....made it to Fiesta Cantina by 5:00pm with the help of an awesome cab driver.

45 minutes - 402 calories - 2981 for the week so far. I like what the scale is saying so I am motivated to continue in an (most likely vain) attempt at a loss for July. Honestly, if I maintain I'll be happy since I think my July weigh in was a total fluke.

Off to bed at 11:15pm - hope to catch 9:30 group groove tomorrow morning. Major storms are rolling in. "el lightening" and "el thunder" are competing with River's snores.

Must get a camera to post pictures!

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